Non-School News

Going Away Party on August 1st!


   In less than seven weeks, I’ll be leaving for
California to attend The Master’s College!!!  I know your calendar fills up quickly, and so, with that in mind, I want to invite you to a going-away party on Tuesday, August 1st.  You have all meant so much to me…God has truly blessed me with GREAT friends!   The party will begin around 2:30 and go on until…..the last person goes home!    There will be volleyball, ultimate frisbee, baseball/softball, food (of course! YEAH!), and hopefully you.   Oh, one last thing….this party is not for the younger kids.  I love them all, but we are asking that everyone must be fourteen years old or older.  Thank you for being understanding.  

I hope to see you there!

Please RSVP by Tuesday, July 25th.

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