Life, Productivity, Relationships

Living Without an Iphone: #FirstWorldProblem

 At the start of this new year, I made a huge step in the process of re-focusing my life on what’s important and getting rid of temporal distractions.  Call me dramatic, silly, or radical, but on January 5, I got rid of my iPhone.  

To be honest, despite my desire to simplify my life, I have to say that the overarching reason I got rid of my smart phone was the need to cut some bills.  This decision cut my phone bill from $45 a month to $15.  I’d say any bill you can get reduced by 66% is a huge success.

A few of you asked for an update about what I thought of the switch once I hadiphone-big been smartphone-less for a while, and I’d like to fill you in on my thoughts.

There are definitely pro’s to having a smart phone.  If you’re anything like my directionally challenged self, I like being able to quickly pull up maps and directions in 2 seconds.  I also enjoyed the access to the internet for my own research, to my email for keeping updated on my communications, and of course, to stay abreast of the entertaining Facebook world.

However, as I have adjusted to not having those amenities on my new phone, I would say that I am not missing them half as much as I thought I would.

I am more relationally involved.  Without my smart phone and access to technology, I find myself less focused on the trivial updates in the internet world and more focused on the immediate relationships around me physically.  I’ve found I’m not on my phone at lunch at work, at the dinner table, or in meetings that I should be paying attention to.  It’s not because I’m anti-Facebook or Twitter or my personal email.  I’m simply without access, so it reserves those times for updates to be intentional and my time with the loved ones around me to be more regular.

A big con of having a non-smartphone is that the power button on this new phone is inconveniently located so that I can shut off the phone if I stick it in my pocket.  Sure, it’s simple, and I simply turn it back on, but it’s annoying.

Amazingly, there is really just one reason that I actually miss the iPhone.  I hate the stopwatch on this new phone.  I use my stop watch when I run in the mornings to gauge my time on my 4.5 mile loop.  If I get a text message at any point during that, my stop watch stops.  Needless to say, that’s frustrating.

So, as a whole, I am so thankful for the decision I made (my wallet thanks me monthly when I write a check for $15). 

What decisions have you made to re-focus and reprioritize?

1 thought on “Living Without an Iphone: #FirstWorldProblem”

  1. If you put your phone on airplane mode it will not stop your timer (or recording app) when you get a text. All texts and calls are placed on hold until you take the phone off the airplane mode.

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